
Certified CPA Icon

Qualified Tax CPA

John J Oh is Certified Public Accountant and has more than 15 years in diverse tax, financial, and business experience.

Planning Icon

Tax Planning

Tax planning is essential for a variety of reasons. It’s not only a powerful tool to save money on taxes, which should be more than enough to get anybody’s attention.

Problem Solving Icon

IRS Tax Problem

JH Professional Corp is here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.

Trusted Tax Resolution Specialists

Don’t get fooled by firms that guarantee unrealistic results. Work with an experienced CPA firm and tax resolution specialist that will solve your tax problems once and for all, Meloni Accountancy Corporation.

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Tax Planning Specialist

The key to minimize tax liability is proper tax planning. We analyze your finances to find ways to control tax exposure.

Get Help for Your IRS Tax Problems

JH Professional Corp is here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through. We pride ourselves on being very efficient, affordable, and, of course, extremely discrete…

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