Tax Resolution

Get Help for Your IRS Tax Problems

Before you call one of the large advertisers claiming to solve your problems for pennies on the dollar, take the time to talk to your trusted, local expert.

JH Professional Corp is here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through. We pride ourselves on being very efficient, affordable, and, of course, extremely discrete.

If you’re suffering from tax problems with the IRS and owe back taxes, penalties, and interest, contact JH Professional Corporation now. We have the skills and experience to end wage garnishment, release tax liens, and find solutions for all kinds of IRS tax problems. We’ll make sure you understand your rights and explore all the tax relief options available to identify the best course of action for your needs and circumstances.

JH Professional Corporation is a reputable tax resolution firm that helps people just like you break free from tax problems. When taxpayers try to deal with the IRS on their own, the results are usually stress and frustration. But, if you enlist our help, you’ll avoid unnecessary anxiety. We’ll negotiate directly with the IRS on your behalf to set up an affordable payment plan or take advantage of a suitable tax relief program. Don’t be misled by other so-called “tax resolution” companies advertising that they can reduce your tax debt to pennies on the dollar. Only a few taxpayers will actually qualify for this type of resolution. They will not tell you this until long after collecting large fees from you. We can discuss this possible option with you.

We understand what its like to be in your shoes and know that the sooner you contact us, the sooner you’ll settle your tax debt and can move on with your life. So don’t delay, call 714-249-7544 now or request your consultation through our website.

IRS Tax Audits

It’s essential to secure representation from a tax professional if you’ve received an IRS audit notice. If the IRS has flagged you for an audit, you might be wondering why you’re being audited and aren’t sure what to expect. When you enlist our assistance, we’ll be by your side throughout the process to answer questions and resolve any tax problems quickly. Call us now at 714-249-7544 or request a free initial consultation through our website.

Wage Garnishment

IRS wage garnishment is the deduction of money from an employee’s monetary compensation resulting from unpaid IRS taxes. Most likely this should not be a surprise as the IRS will only levy one’s wages after repeated letters and warnings about the taxes owed. This is one of the IRS’s most aggressive tax collection mechanisms and should not be taken lightly. The IRS would rather resolve taxes in a different manner but they will levy when they feel the have run out of other options. It is important to understand how garnishments work to ensure you take the appropriate actions to avoid them or stop the IRS from taking your wages.

Back Taxes – Filing Delinquent Tax Returns

Failing to file your personal or business taxes on time can happen for many reasons. You might not have the money to pay your taxes, were busy dealing with serious health concerns, or could have been distracted by any number of issues in today’s fast-paced world. At JH Professional Corporation, we understand that if you’ve fallen behind on your taxes for multiple years, you might be feeling uncertain about resolving the problem. If you’re afraid that you owe penalties and interest or are overwhelmed with the idea of locating lost paperwork, we’re here to provide the personal attention and assistance you need file your delinquent tax returns and get a fresh start with the IRS. Call us at 714-249-7544 now or request a consultation online to get started and we’ll guide you through the process.

Tax Liens

If you owe a significant amount of money in back taxes and penalties, the IRS may institute a tax lien. A tax lien is a claim on a business or an individual’s assets and is typically attached to real estate properties. This doesn’t mean the taxing authorities intend to seize your property like a tax levy. Instead, it uses the lien as collateral for the tax debt and ensures that the government has first dibs on the property rather than any creditors.

Tax Levies

If you’re a taxpayer who’s in deep water with the IRS, the taxing authorities may go one step further than a lien and put a levy on your property or your bank account. A levy allows the IRS to legally seize your property or take money directly from a savings, checking, or retirement account in order to pay off your tax debt. They can also levy wages if the offender is an individual or confiscate equipment if it is a business. If you’ve received a notice from the IRS threatening a levy, you need to act now to have it removed before they confiscate your cash or belongings.

Installment Agreement

Setting up an installment agreement with the IRS allows you to pay off your back taxes over time while remaining in good standing with the taxing authority. This is a good option for people that want to get rid of their tax debt but don’t have enough money to pay it off all at once because it breaks the amount down into affordable monthly increments.

Offer in Compromise

An offer in compromise (OIC) is a unique settlement option where the IRS agrees to accept less than a taxpayer actually owes. For taxpayers that feel the assessed amount of their tax bill was unfair or for those who may never be able to pay their entire tax bill due to a financial hardship, this could be an attainable settlement option. Obviously, the IRS does not easily accept this type of offer. But, if your case meets the requirements, a skilled CPA firm like Joh Oh CPA Corporation can construct a sufficient offer. First, you’ll need to find out if you qualify for an offer in compromise under current IRS guidelines.

Penalty Abatement

Penalties incurred from filing taxes late or failing to pay taxes on time are not only frustrating but costly for many U.S. taxpayers. The IRS will sometimes agree to an abatement of these tax penalties, but most people are unaware of this provision.

Innocent Spouse Relief

According to IRS guidelines, when a married couple files their taxes jointly, both parties are liable for the taxes owed no matter how much taxable income each person earned individually. If your spouse or former spouse made mistakes on your joint return or misrepresented a portion of the income, the IRS doesn’t care who made the errors, they will go after whoever they can find first. Even if you’re divorced, they will do all they can to recover back taxes, penalties, and interest. If your spouse or former spouse has put you in this unfair and potentially expensive situation, you may qualify for innocent spouse relief.

Currently Not Collectible Status

Ordinarily, if a taxpayer owes back taxes and penalties, the IRS will use any collection tactic at their disposal to get their money and will not let up until the debt has been paid or a payment plan has been arranged. However, if a taxpayer truly cannot afford to pay their tax debt and doing so would contribute to their economic hardship, the person can apply for Currently Not Collectible Status. This special temporary status does not forgive the debt but protects people dealing with major financial difficulties from potentially devastating collection methods like wage garnishment and levies. When the IRS agrees to consider your debt Currently Not Collectible, they won’t attempt to collect their money during this time period but the penalties and interest resulting from your tax debt will continue to grow.